Should You Consider Buying Mobile Homes In 2021? Everything You Need To Know

Often referred to as manufactured homes, mobile homes are built in factories in either one or sometimes more parts and then transported to the site. This is in contrast to stick-built homes, where all the materials are brought together for construction. 

People these days want something that won’t cost them a fortune, and looking at the situation right now, it makes sense. Here in the USA, affordable housing hasn’t been able to catch up, which is only making things difficult for us. With that being said, in States like California, where buying a house is not cheap, looking up mobile home for sale in Santa Clarita seems viable.

It may come off as a surprise but there are many benefits to buying mobile homes, and that’s exactly what we are going to discuss in this post.

Benefits of Buying Mobile Homes

  • They are affordable 

Manufactured homes are generally less costly when compared to stick-built homes of a similar size. But, that’s just not it. You’d be surprised to know that newly built manufactured homes are proven to be more energy-efficient, making them less expensive to heat and cold. Manufactured/mobile homes can be purchased new or used – offering even greater savings. 

  • They are environment friendly 

The whole building process that goes into making a mobile home is pretty efficient – meaning there are fewer wasted materials. That’s not in the case of stick-built homes. You see, with stick-built homes, additional building materials are tossed into the dumpster or they end up in a landfill. With manufactured homes, there are many units being built in the same location making it easier to use most of the resources. 

  • They offer flexibility 

They are called mobile homes for a reason as they are much easier to transport when compared to stick-built homes. They provide the owner with greater options when it comes to selling the house. You see, the home and land it sits on could be sold together, or the home could be sold on its own and transported to another location. 

Now that you know how beneficial these homes are; it’s time that you know how to get your hands on them.

Things To Keep In Mind While Buying Mobile Homes

  • How to research options?

As with any purchase, the internet is hands down the best place to kick things off. Since every manufacturer distributes its home to different parts of the country, it is recommended that you make a list of brands that are available in your area. By doing so, you’ll be able to come up with the best dealers and their websites to see photos, layouts, and other key aspects. Also keep an eye out for manufactured homes for sale Ojai in CA

  • How Manufactured homes vary? 

Since manufactured homes are transported from the factory, they are constructed in individual units with limited width. “Singles,” also known as “single-section,” is long and narrow units that are complete in and of themselves. Double and triple-wide homes, also known as “sectional,” are built and transported in sections and are connected onsite to create a unified home. 

  • What’s the price?

Cost is one of those aspects that fluctuate a lot. However, the Manufactured Housing Survey (MHS) is one place where you can look up costs. This survey is filled with monthly statistics on new manufactured housing, including the average prices and how many units are shipping. According to last year’s statistics, the average sales price of a manufactured home was valued at $88,200.

Final Thoughts 

That’s all it is for you to know about mobile homes. Since you have come this far, it’s obvious that you have made up your mind. So, in that case, be on the lookout for mobile home for sale in Santa Clarita, because then you may be able to get the best house and the best price.